Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, February 16, 2024
Invoke Me with the Angelic Crown and Invoke All the Angels and Saints
Extraordinary Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel to Mario D'Ignazio on December 21, 2018

It is I, the Ambassador of the Eternal Divine Trinity. Listen to Me and report what I reveal to you today.
The Time is at hand. The hour of Divine vengeance is near and the Nations will pay dearly for their insolence toward Heaven. Many scourges will descend and the cup of the Father's wrath will be drunk.
Many will no longer see anything-inwardly blinded-because they will be clouded by Satan and confuse Good with Evil and the false church with the true. Jesus' ministers will be persecuted and silenced on revealed truth and the Eucharist will be desecrated.
A few will follow the Virgin Mary and these will be saved, the rest will be lost.
Invoke Me with the Angelic Crown and invoke all the Angels and Saints. In this place of Love Heaven speaks and gives peace. This is the Shrine of the Trinity. Rush to the Call of the Immaculate Mother and pray much, pray always within yourselves especially not to be distracted and distressed.
Do not follow the world. It is mud, it is pagan. Do not cling to anyone: they will disappear.
Cling to God and worship Him alone.
Man today is perverse, doubtful and evil because he has no Faith and thinks he is god. One only wants to appear instead of disappearing. One only wants to command instead of serving. There is much pride and little consistency with the Word of God.
Meditate on the Messages. Spread them everywhere with courage. Know that all those who do not truly believe will be damned forever. Know that those who fight the Holy Mother will be punished and fall into excommunication.
Nothing can touch those who believe and serve God. To GOD no one gives orders; He manifests Himself to whomever He wants and for as long as He wants.
It is a time of fear because there are many masks but they will be broken. Those who truly believe, believe forever.
Abide in God, in His peace, and speak the truth. Do not listen to the Great ones in the Father's House nor to the powerful and do not be confused. Stand firm in Jesus and Mary True Guides.
Light blessed candles and use holy water in homes. Blessed salt...
Satan hates this Work to death and raises storm winds against it, but it will never fall because it comes from God and the signs confirm it. If you will follow and remain faithful to Mary Most Holy, nothing will harm you and you will see the New Pentecost and the Era of Peace, after the Great Miracle that God will give to the world. Carry above you My Medal.
(St. Michael appeared dressed as a warrior. He was very bright)
Chaplet to St. Michael and the 9 Angelic Choirs